Fighting False Charges of Domestic Violence in Marin County & Throughout California
Kaspar & Lugay, LLP has been protecting parents and their children for 30+ years. During that time, we have represented fathers, husbands, mothers, stepparents, boyfriends, and other family members who were falsely accused of domestic violence. If you have been wrongly accused of domestic violence, whether the charge involves sexual abuse, physical abuse, or emotional abuse, it must be handled carefully or may have a long-lasting, even permanent effect.
If you have been falsely accused of domestic violence, you risk:
- Conviction of a crime, either misdemeanor or felony
- Probation or jail time as a result of that conviction
- Losing your right to frequent and extensive contact with your child
- Modification of your child support or spousal support order
- A permanent blot on your record that interferes with employment or other opportunities
Do not ignore false charges! Call 415-789-5881 or contact us online to request a case evaluation.
Providing representation for the accused who live outside California
Under certain circumstances it may be difficult for you to respond to the charges because you live out of state. However if you have been unfairly accused of spousal or child abuse, you must take care of the matter. A conviction will be posted on the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) and it will be available to national agencies.
It could potentially be available to employers and landlords, as well.
Our firm will find out how the law can be used to protect you in your unique situation. We may recommend applying for a ?good will? order, a type of protection order that prevents your child’s other parent from slandering you or interfering with your parent-child relationship. We are ready to prepare and represent you at a Child Protection Services (CPS) dependency hearing or defend you against false charges of marital rape .
Contact our office for strong defense against domestic abuse charges.