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Can you afford your high-asset divorce? Divorce funding can help.

On behalf of Kaspar & Lugay LLP posted in Divorce on Wednesday, August 16, 2017. Just because you are in the high-income tax bracket doesn’t mean you are a high-income earner. In many high-asset cases, one partner is typically considered the breadwinner while the other has a lower paying job or no job at all […]

Should you get a private judge for your divorce?

On behalf of Kaspar & Lugay LLP posted in Divorce on Sunday, September 17, 2017. What do couples hate most about divorce? Airing the family’s problems. The slowness. The inconvenience. The procedural limitations. The expense. An alternative some couples look to, to avoid these negative aspects, is the private judge. Here in California, we’re familiar […]

Navigating a divorce with or without a premarital document

On behalf of Kaspar & Lugay LLP posted in?Divorce?on Thursday, October 5, 2017. Much like a tremendous amount of thought goes into getting married, thoughtful and careful consideration goes into ending a marriage. While no couple in California or elsewhere gets married with the intention of getting divorced, the reality is that roughly half of […]

Fault does not have to play a role in a California divorce

On behalf of Kaspar & Lugay LLP posted in Divorce on Thursday, October 12, 2017. For earlier generations, divorce was considered a taboo subject and did not occur with the frequency that it now happens in California courts. As times have changed so too have many American divorce laws, and whereas once individuals who wanted […]