Fraud Blocker

Under what circumstances can I get a support modification?

On behalf of Kaspar & Lugay LLP posted in Family Law on Friday, January 5, 2018. Many people in the Bay Area have to pay child support, and are usually perfectly glad to do so. After all, the child support a parent pays is supposed to be for the benefit of a parent’s beloved children […]

The Declaration of Paternity form in California

On behalf of Kaspar & Lugay LLP posted in Family Law on Saturday, January 27, 2018. Many residents of the Corte Madera and other parts of the Bay Area are unmarried at the time they have children. What this means for them is that, if they want the father of the child to have legal […]

Property division challenges: Dividing horse breeding agreements

On behalf of Kaspar & Lugay LLP posted in Property Division on Wednesday, August 3, 2016. Owning a winning race horse or show horse can be a very proud accomplishment that oftentimes goes beyond the trophies, titles and prize money. If a horse gains enough notoriety, it may become a prized breeding animal as well, […]

The psychology behind property disputes during divorce

On behalf of Kaspar & Lugay LLP posted in Property Division on Monday, September 12, 2016. A lot of people dread going through divorce proceedings because generally speaking, divorce entails heated negotiations that don’t always end amicably for the parties involved. In a lot of cases, couples are forced to turn to the courts where […]